Halloween is the perfect time for a ghost story. We take a look at some of the ghostly stories that have been reported around Thanet
Thank you to information from Isle Magazine and Rotten Ramsgate Tours
*There’s no better place to start than at Margate’s Theatre Royal and its ghostly tales, from footsteps, lights flickering, curtains moving and doors slamming. It is said that previous owner/manager Sarah Thorne’s ghost has been seen, whilst another tale is that an actor who had been sacked returned, committing suicide by throwing himself from a viewing box into the orchestra pit.
*The bar and cellar of the Northern Belle pub, Margate has been the place of sightings of the ghost of a woman.
*The cafe at Margate train station is said to be visited by Rose, a woman believed to have once worked as a servant in a building formally on the site.
*The ghost of Isaac Jarman, Coxswain of Ramsgate Lifeboat (1860-1870) was reportedly seen in the cellar of The Deal Cutter Pub, Ramsgate.
*There are reported various ghostly sightings of monks and a phantom carriage in the area around The Lord of the Manor in Ramsgate.
*It is said that the presence of San Clu (Comfort Inn) Hotel’s, previous owner Mrs Elsie Robson, known as "Ma" Robson, can be felt in the ladies toilets.
Do you know of other ghostly stories in Thanet?

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