A talk by Ray Cantan at the Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum in Manston
2pm - 4pm
Hear the story of Sid, a young volunteer with the BEF in 1914 as he came of age in the trenches of the First World War.
Sid Kemp, signed up, with his brother Fred, in August 1914 and fought in France until he was invalided out in the early months’ of 1917... Both Sid and his brother survived the war and Sid had a long life working in his beloved Kent. When they signed up in 1914 they enlisted in the Royal West Kent Regiment and this book relates Sid’s experiences.
Click here for other events taking place at the Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum
Sid's War
Spitfire and Hurricane Memorial Museum, Manston Road, Manston, Ramsgate
CT12 5DF