Enjoy a full and varied programme of events taking place at Monkton Nature Reserve this February Half-Term.
Programme of events below (click the blue titles to book individual events!)
Tuesday 18th:
11am - Hibernation Heroes: Make your own hibernation tree and put the animals to bed. Enjoy the cosy story of ‘Winter Sleep’ that follows a child and his grandmother through a winter landscape. Join a fun filled hunt around the reserve to find the ‘special spots’ where animals choose to hibernate. (£5 per child / adults free)
1.30pm - Magick for Children (A Micro Retreat): An action-packed workshop for children aged 6 and over with yoga and wand making. Discover ‘Magick Words’ and ‘What is Energy’. How did people keep well, happy and healthy long ago? How can we protect and care for ourselves today? Join a short walk around the reserve. Please wear suitable footwear. (£10 per child / adults free)
Thursday 20th:
11am - Nature Notes: A chance to make a special nature notepad and a leaf book mark. Using leaves and binding sticks from the reserve, create a treasured place for you to draw, record, and remember the natural delights you see around you. (£5 per child / adults free)
11.30am - Wild Classroom: The welcome return of this popular, open fire cooking experience. Cook tasty soup and delicious pancakes, together, outdoors, and over fire. (£15 per child / adults free)
1pm - Robins Rule! What do robins eat? Where do they nest? What do their eggs look like? A chance to find out about Britain’s favourite bird, to hear its song, to hold a robin’s nest (no longer in use!) and to fill a tasty treat bag for the robins on the reserve. Craft a sweet robin decoration to take home. (£5 per child / adults free)
Friday 21st:
11am - Spring Gardens: Seed sewing in one box planter, and a super spring garden in another. With tissue paper grass and colourful lolly stick flowers, this garden will look beautiful in an instant. The other garden will grow in time to reveal tasty vegetables and fabulous flowers. (£5 per child / adults free)
1pm - Muddy Kitchen ‘Cook Out’: Rock cakes, mud pies, and leaf roll ups ‘cooked’ over your own stick, rock, and tissue paper ‘fire’. Get hands on and hands in, with this session for under 5s, or for those who love mud! (£5 per child / adults free)
Click here to find other events taking place at Monkton Nature Reserve
Various prices
February Half-Term at Monkton Nature Reserve
Monkton Nature Reserve, Canterbury Rd W, Ramsgate
CT12 4LH