Take in the sights and sounds of a working harbour with a beautiful selection of sailing and powerboats at the UK's only Royal Harbour.
King George IV granted its Royal designation in 1821 in appreciation of the town's hospitality when he embarked with the Royal Squadron from Ramsgate for Hanover. The harbour has played an important role through recent history, as one of the main embarkation harbours during the Napoleonic wars. The harbour celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2021
In July 2024, the harbour was designated a Heritage Harbour - safeguarding and conserving it for future generations and home to traditional ships, shipyards, quays and buildings. It is one of 14 locations to receive the accolade.
During WWII Operation Dynamo was launched and an assortment of yachts, motor cruisers, fishing boats and other small craft assembled at Ramsgate, before crossing to Dunkirk to ferry men from the beaches to waiting ships. Sit enjoying the view at one of the many surrounding stylish bars, cafes and restaurants.
The historic waterfront of Ramsgate has a lively cosmopolitan feel. Select an alfresco café, sip a drink and see the yachts bobbing in the picturesque marina - this Cinque Port is the only ‘Royal Harbour’ in the country. Enjoy sandy bays alongside a working marina
If you are feeling more adventurous take a trip to see the seals off the coast or head underground for a tour of Ramsgate Tunnels
Take a virtual tour of Ramsgate Royal Harbour
Whilst taking a 360° virtual tour from the air click on one of the ‘hot spot crosses’ to be taken to ground level.
Ramsgate Royal Harbour Ramsgate CT11 8LS